Leseni podi in lesni kompoziti (t.i. plastični les ali WPC) se polagajo na zunanjih površinah okrog bazenov, na terasah, balkonih idr. Ker so zunaj izpostavljeni različnim vremenskim vplivom, morajo biti dimenzijsko stabilni, odporni na dež, sneg, sonce, temperaturne spremembe ter odporni na obrabo.
The sub-structure on which they are installed must provide a constant drainage for water and the possibility for drains.
Most widely used are tropical woods: teak, ipe, cumaru, massaranduba, steamed garapa and domestic woods: siberian larch, thermo acacia and thermo ash.
Tropical woods are mostly harder and more resistant to weathering and their durability is at least 15 years. Installation is by screwing on the sub-structure or with fastener. When installing, check if the appropriate wood moisture content (KD) and the corresponding spaces between the boards.
Wood composite decking (WPC, NFC) are imitation wood and are made from a mixture of wood (eg bamboo) and plastics (eg PVC). The type of wood and plastic and their balance defines the strength and density of the composite decking. Various additives are also added which have an influence on colour, wear resistance and surface UV-resistance. WPC decking may be hollow (with air grooves) or full in cross-section. Installation is similar to wood decking. Changes in humidity and temperature effect the WPC in a similar way to wood decking. WPC eventually loses its plasticity and colour and can crack under a load, if not properly installed (stabile sub-construction).