Gumene talne obloge so izdelane iz naravnega ali umetnega kavčuka z dodatki, lahko pa tudi iz reciklirane gume. Uporabljajo se v zelo frekventnih prostorih, kjer se zahteva velika odpornost na obrabo, tiha hoja in odpornost proti zdrsu.
The advantages of rubber are its high resistance to wear, softness to walk on, resistance to cigarette butts, and its variety of surfacecolors and shapes.
The disadvantage of rubber is the necessity to regularly maintain its surface, since the unprotected rubber is susceptible to scratches, oil, grease, copper and certain chemicals (acetone); a wet rubber surface can be slippery, if it is smooth.
Floor coverings made of rubber are very suitable for areas that are heavily used, are comfortable for walking on, are noise absorbing and easy to maintain.