Stopnice imajo poleg funkcionalne tudi pomembno estetsko vlogo. Pogosto namreč segajo v prostor in morajo biti zato usklajene s talno oblogo, pohištvom in drugo opremo v prostoru.
The most commonly used are so-called over-laid stairs, where the steps are made from wood or other floor covering, and are overlaid on the supporting structure of the stairs from concrete or metal.
Stairs usually consist from stair treads, vertical rise, wall surround and stair railing. It is important that the height of the steps is correct and evenly distributed and that the (last) step in upper floor is in line with floor covering
Self supporting staircases and winding staircases are used in cases where there are no sub-construction available or we want to achieve specific aesthetic effects. Such steps are more complex to manufacture. In general, the quality of staircases are in the so-called hiden details, and if they are properly made, then the stairscases, even after years of use will be without a squeak and cracking.